My OSCP journey

The Offensive Security Certified Pentester

The OSCP is a practical industry-leading certification that requires you to know about several penetration testing techniques like buffer overflows, privilege escalation, information gathering, ...

It's my goal to prepare myself during 2020 in order to take the OSCP exam within the next 12 Months; there are different opinions whether you should do the OSCP while being in university or afterwards, I would recommend to make up your own mind.

Everything about the OSCP aka. the PEN-200 / PWK can be found on the official site of Offensive Security: here

It's May 2020 and for me the journey begins:


The PWK aka. OSCP Lab contains 4 networks / 75 servers waiting to get pwned.

The lab took me 68 days to complete (in this time I took 9 days completely off).

I passed the OSCP