HackTheBox Cap Writeup

Enjoy reading my HTB Cap writeup

Information Gathering & Gaining Access

Open ports:

The website contains a dashboard with three functionalities. You can obtain the network status, the IP config and a 5 second PCAP + Analysis.

Browsing the Security Snapshat (5 second PCAP) site redirects to /data/1. Changing /data/1 to /data/0 brings you to a different analysis that can be downloaded.

The pcap for /data/0 (0.pcap) contained a TCP Stream for the FTP protocol. Following that stream in Wireshark revealed an username and a password: nathan:Buck3tH4TF0RM3!


Using these credentials it is possible to log in via FTP and SSH and obtain the user flag.

Privilege escalation

The file /var/www/html/app.py runs as root and the current user is able to modify the code. The code was changed like the following:

0if __name__ == "__main__":
1        command = f"""python3 -c 'import os; os.setuid(0); os.system("/bin/bash")'"""
2        os.system(command)
3        #app.run("", 80, debug=True)

Afterwards the script simply got executed what lead to a root shell (no sudo necessary).